On theoretical constructions with uncertain content
a bibliographic review on the masculine and feminine in Freud and Fiorini
Female, Male, PsychoanalysisAbstract
Based on doubts related to the care of transgender people, the authors decided to investigate what is defined as male and female in psychoanalysis. Therefore, it was made a bibliographic review of Freud’s work, in order to try to reproduce what the founder says about the theme. After, taking advantage of the very concept of perspectivism by Fiorini (2019), a survey of the author’s work on the concepts of male and female was made. Placing the two authors in parallel allows us to confront the issue of gender, socio-cultural context and the time when the authors lived and wrote their texts. This type of parallelism expands psychoanalytic knowledge in order to address the diverse presentations of sexuality and changing gender roles, allowing for a more individual construction, which recognizes the difference from the other and its subjectivity, not discarding what is considered to be the foundation of psychoanalysis, but inserting it in a more complex logic.
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